In a Vase on Monday: The color Red! (Echinacea Salsa Red to be exact)

In a Vase on Monday: The color Red

In a Vase on Monday: The color Red

Unbelievably, it is Monday again!  Where does the time go?  Ever notice that as we get older time seems to fly even faster??? My kids are now back at school and we are settling in to our old, and some new, routines.  The “feel” of summer is leaving us.  One thing that is not quite ready to leave, at least in my yard, are the flowers.  I won’t say they are going strong, but they are hanging in there!  This is rather helpful as I join  for the meme In a Vase on Monday.  I joined for the first time last week and I really like it! This is where bloggers from all around the world join in to create arrangements in vases and we all link together.  What a beautiful way to to start our week!

Echinacea Salsa Red, Globe Artichoke, a

Echinacea Salsa Red, Cynara Cardunculus (Globe Artichoke), and Zantedeschi albomaculata (white spotted Calla lily)

My father-in-law, who is an incredible gardener, recently (as in a week ago!) gave me a new, quite beautiful, plant for my garden.  It is a white spotted Calla lily (Zantedeschia albomaculata).  I’m not exactly sure if this is cheating, but I used those gorgeous flowers in this arrangement.  I can’t wait for the plant to get all settled into its new bed and produce loads of flowers for me next year!

up close...

White Calla Lily up close…

As always, the sun was in and out while I was taking pictures.  The other factor that I have to (always) contend with is the wind; it is a given where we live!  So I might design something lovely and symmetrical inside the house and then by the time I get it outside and set up to photograph, it is completely topsy-turvy! That is my story and I am sticking to it 🙂

Salsa Red Echinacea

Salsa Red Echinacea

My echinacea plant (Salsa Red) is one of my favorite purchases from last year.  It is really only now coming in to full bloom and boy is it showing off that bright red color!

Globe artichoke

Globe artichoke (Cynara Cardunculus)

I think the most photographed flower (vegetable?) in the garden is my globe artichoke (Cynara Cardunculus).  I love the purple color and the different texture of the bloom.  It is rather different which I think is what I really like about it.

Red, purple, white and green

The bee wanted a part of the action

Red, purple, white, and green; the colors just felt right to me.  The vase is from my mom, which always makes it special. I’ve used it before, but I have to say that I think this arrangement was simply made for this vase.

same arrangement while the sun is behind a cloud...

same arrangement while the sun is behind a cloud…

I get rather annoyed when the sun goes behind a cloud.  But as mentioned before, with all of that wind, the clouds usually move along.

Fun colors in a fun vase

Fun colors in a fun vase

Isn’t the difference in lighting amazing?

In a Vase on Monday...

In a Vase on Monday…

I hope you’ve enjoyed my arrangement.  You’ll find some wonderful arrangements linked to Rambling in the Garden, and of course Rambling in the Garden’s vase arrangement, too! So feel free to pop on over and check them out.  (here’s the link again: )

Happy Monday! Happy September 1st!  Happy back to School & Work!
