Wreaths of all varieties

Hi there! I’ve been blogging for more than a few years now, and I’ve discovered that I love making wreaths. At this stage, it is safe to say that I make at least one lavender wreath every summer. I grow a lot of lavender and creating wreaths with the lavender (and other garden materials!) is a beautiful way to enjoy flowers from the garden for many months, instead of just the time it is alive in the garden. I’ve also made “garlic” wreaths (decorated with garlic that I’ve grown in the garden), hydrangea wreaths, fall harvest wreaths, Christmas wreaths. You name it, and I bet I’ve somehow managed to work it into a wreath. 🙂

My point in sharing all of this with you, is that it really is easy to make these wreaths. Also, I find it both relaxing and invigorating to create something different every time! They are whimsical, unique, and anything but “perfect”!  I think it is good for the soul to be creative, in whatever way we can.

If you click on the “Wreaths” category on the right hand side of the page, it will bring you to my blog posts on the wreaths I have made. Also, if you click on the comments underneath the pictures below, it should bring you to that wreath’s blog post, or my Mom in the Garden facebook page with comments about the wreath.

I hope I will inspire you to try creating something new!

In peace,

P.S. Here are a few of my favorite wreaths… Enjoy!

hydrangea wreath

My go-to photo place for wreaths is our playhouse door. This is just for photos, though, as I wouldn’t leave this outside… a hydrangea wreath

wreath made with garlic, dried artichokes and dried roses

A garlic wreath with globe artichokes and roses, and herbs

dried flower wreath

A simple wreath made using dried flowers from the garden