What happens when you get ‘stuck’?

Hello. I am sheepishly visiting today. You see, I’ve been ‘stuck’. Let me try to explain (to myself more than anyone else). I have always looked forward to sharing my passion for flowers. But recently, over the past few months, I have not wanted to share here on the blog. I could say that I was busy crocheting another blanket, which is true, but that wasn’t it. Maybe it was a combination of things going on in the world, in my life, in the garden? I don’t really know. But I think that it would help me if I started back at it again. I have found myself spending more time wandering around the garden, and that makes me feel good. I enjoy sharing the beauty that I find around me.

I’ll start out with baby steps. We had a beautiful, frosty morning today, and I took some pictures with my camera (not my phone). I’m determined to learn how to best use the settings on my Canon and not settle for just using ‘automatic’. With some persistence and practice I’m sure I’ll get there. There was one cluster of roses, David Austin’s ‘Emily Bronte’, that were sitting so perfectly in the morning sunlight that it was impossible for me to not photograph them. The petals are delicately lined with frost and I found them to be stunning.

Thank you so much for visiting. I appreciate that you also enjoy seeing beauty in the little things.

In Peace,

frosty rose

A very soft morning light highlighting the frost on ‘Emily Bronte’ David Austin roses.