Winter Blooms in my Irish Garden (An anemone steals the show!)

Mr. Fokker Anemone

Mr. Fokker Anemone

When I think of winter certain things come to mind:  snow, cold temperatures, skiing, sledding, ice skating, hot chocolate!  Living in Ireland has changed that idea a bit for me. Our winters are usually fairly mild, with only a quick cold snap.  Snow is unusual. Cold is cold, but not like what I’d be used to while living in Central New York. And the winter is short. Really short if I look back to my days of having snow around until March!  I do miss the snowy side of winter.  But the tradeoff is having flowers in my garden even in January.

A frozen anemone

A frozen anemone

We had a deep freeze the other day: -5 degrees Celsius. I took some pictures in the morning, and by the afternoon the rain had come and everything thawed out!

First morning light over the frosty field

First morning light over the frosty field

This close-up of the crystals is my favorite

This close-up of the crystals is my favorite

Frosty evergreenToday was yet another mild day, 8 degrees Celsius, and sunny.  I am not complaining, I just hope it has been cold enough to keep the slugs at bay!  My garden has a few flowers which are blooming. The anemone have multiplied over the past few years. They don’t seem to mind that it is January.  Also giving some color in the garden are a few daisies and a black-eyed Susan plant!  I think they are simply confused. The primrose are a lovely bright color. There is also a lot of green in my ditch wall garden from poppies. Lots and lots of poppies!

The day after the frost

The day after the frost

This is flowering in January.

This is flowering in January.

A sunny winter day

A sunny winter day

January in the garden

January in the garden

Dogwood plant

Dogwood plant  has lovely red branches

Our area has really been very fortunate with the weather.  Even just seeing the sun for a bit of the day is refreshing to the soul.

Evening view from the front yard

Evening view from the front yard

The very last rose.

The very last rose.

Do you have any flowers growing in your winter garden?
Happy winter!