Slow and Steady to hit 2,000 km on the bike

Hi there! Anyone else wondering how time is flying by so quickly as we head into the last stretch of 2023? I’m sitting here listening to holiday tunes with the view of our Christmas tree in front of me, my daughter baking Christmas cookies behind me, and thoroughly enjoying the lead-up to Christmas. It’s been quite a full year, but one thing that has kept me going since early last spring has been cycling. I didn’t have any goals in mind when I started, other than to get fit, to be able to get out with my friends, and to keep fit. I’m not talking about really long distances: mostly under 60 km and only once or twice a week. But last month I noticed that I was close to hitting 2,000 km for the year. That would be a career high for me and was motivation enough to keep going, even in the cold weather, and strive to hit it before the end of the year!

I should really pedal back to last March. I like going for a spin with others, but to do that I know that I have to be at a certain level of fitness in order to enjoy it. So that was my first goal. My husband was such a huge help in getting me out the door and cycling in those early, ‘non-fit’ days. It’s tough work building up your strength and cardio-ability! 🤪 He was patient, and although sometimes he couldn’t figure out how I was going so slow (thank you, beta-blockers, for my Long QT syndrome!), he was always by my side.

Once I reached my fitness goal, I was able to join my friends! What I love about this group of gals is that they are out for fun and fitness. The area we live in (County Louth) is really quite beautiful, so it is lovely to get out and enjoy the great outdoors. And there is always a coffee stop with something nice to eat. 🙂

Once I had momentum, I added another goal: to be able to bike on an away cycling trip with the local cycling club (Cuchulainn Cycling Club). That happened in August and I was absolutely delighted to be able to cycle and enjoy the amazing views of the Copper Coast in County Waterford (I mentioned that in a previous post). I took the feature image above of the beach on one of our breaks along the coast. Isn’t it gorgeous?!

After that trip, I joined a group with the club and enjoyed seeing even more of our area as I learned new routes with them. A common theme in all of my biking is that we always stop for coffee and something nice to eat!

I’ve been so fortunate to find people who are always willing to bike at my speed. I am so thankful to have been diagnosed with Long QT Syndrome, and to be on medicine (beta-blockers) to keep me safe. But that also means that my heart-rate can’t increase to the level I sometimes want it to. And THAT means I.Go.Slow. I have accepted this, and am mostly at peace with it. But sometimes I still get frustrated. So I appreciate it when the people I bike with are supportive and encouraging. And I’ve truly been blessed with having those people in my life.

Cold weather would usually signal the end of my cycling season. But this year I made sure to have some proper winter gear and it has absolutely helped to keep me going! I’m so glad, because biking has really helped me mentally and physically this entire year.

Here’s to fitness with friends (and always with a break and something nice to eat)!

In Peace,

Collage of Dana's outings on the bike throughout 2023

It was such a great year on the bike for me! Not every spin was a winner, and there were plenty of times when I just had to push through, but that’s how life goes. I’m so thankful for every time that I do get out and that my body and mind gets stronger with every spin. 🙂

15 thoughts on “Slow and Steady to hit 2,000 km on the bike

  1. I’m so delighted to read this lovely update, Dana. Your cycling attitude is perfect!
    The Copper Coast, on our doorstep from Dungarvan, is magic. I’m glad you got to cycle it.
    Enjoy some downtime for the festive weeks ahead.
    Marion and I cycled in Provence with eight friends in September. I’ll update blog when I get a chance.

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