Yarn bombing in the back yard (goodbye to sewer pipe ugliness!)

August 17th view of my garden with sewer pipe in full view

August 17th view of my garden with sewer pipe in full view

Hi there folks!  Here is a different topic that I haven’t written about before (brace yourself). Our sewer system is such that the pipes come above ground.  I’m not sure who came up with this brilliant idea, but it certainly wasn’t someone who cared about how the garden looked. Life is too short for me to be bothered by this ugliness.  I mean, I take a LOT of photographs standing in this exact spot.  So this summer I decided to do something about it.  (drum roll please…)

Yarn bombing the sewer pipe!

Yarn bombing the sewer pipe!

Ta Da!  Doesn’t that look a thousand times better?

Same day, from the other side.

Same day, from the other side.

I love it.  It is fun, bright, and has flowers!

Yarn bombing the sewer pipe with sun flowers

Yarn bombing the sewer pipe with sun flowers

My family thinks I am crazy.  You’d think they would know that by now, wouldn’t you?  I just wanted to cover that ugly pipe.  That is exactly what I have done.  The idea was 100% mine. I made up a pattern for the green cover.  I used the internet to find a sun flower pattern, and the leaf pattern.  I only covered one side in sun flowers. I am tempted to crochet bright pink flowers for the other side… Undecided still (and a million other projects to finish).

The ugly pipe bothered me. I found a solution. I’m now much, much happier about it. 🙂  Like I said, life is too short.  Go on, do something to make yourself smile.  It just might catch on!

P.S. I’m going to go through my pattern below for those that are interested.

pipe cover

pipe cover

This isn’t proper enough to be a pattern, but I think you could use it as a guide.  How to start?  A simple 42 stitch chain. It was trial and error and this seemed to be the right fit that I wanted. I love the double crochet and all I did was alternate pulling the stitch in front and in back.  It gives a great weaving pattern.  To break things up, after ten rows I did two rows of plain double crochet, two rows of single crochet, another two rows of double crochet, and then back to my front/back alternating.   The top is a simple single, double, single crochet in one stitch followed by slip stitches on either side.

Center of sun flower

Center of sun flower


The sun flower pattern came from Skip to my lou.  This seems to be a lovely blog.  The problem was that her pattern for the center wasn’t exactly clear.  But I really liked the bobble look, so I really played around with it and managed to make it work.  The petal portion of the pattern was perfect and I love the petals!

perfect petals

perfect petals


The leaves were much easier!  “medium fat bottom leaves” from the site Cre8tion Crochet.   I love finding the perfect patterns!

Medium fat bottom leaf :-)

Medium fat bottom leaf 🙂

all together

all together

Sun flowers to brighten up the garden

Sun flowers to brighten up the garden

That was fun!  And easy!


8 thoughts on “Yarn bombing in the back yard (goodbye to sewer pipe ugliness!)

  1. Good for you, Dana! It is totally cute, and what a creative idea!


    P.S. On a side note, your post where you showed how you roasted the beets, onions, and beans totally inspired me to finally try beets, which I never have done. Now I have a family of 5 beet lovers! Thanks!

    • Hi Tammy, I am so glad to hear that beets are now on your “like” list! They are so good for us, too (and a bonus that they taste good!). Thanks for stopping by the blog and for your very sweet comment 🙂 Dana

  2. Love!! It makes such a difference!

    Just also in the process of creating flowers and leaves to yarn bomb our garden…I have some cute boots I will be decorating with flowers and leaves and planting cucumbers in (I found your link from the leaves)! My family think I’m nuts too! C’est la vie 🙂

    • Thank you so much! Your idea of using boots to grow cukes in sounds lovely and fun! I would love to see a picture of it. You can leave it on my mominthegarden Facebook page if you’d like. Maybe being a little nuts is what life is all about 🙂 Thanks so much for commenting. Dana

    • Hi Kimberley, Thank you! I will just leave it in the garden. It doesn’t seem worse for wear, and I can always make a new one 🙂 Go for it, you will be so glad to make something fun and pretty for the garden! Dana

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